buter brea en griene tsiis

Описание к видео buter brea en griene tsiis

Years ago I put music to the words of the poem of Fedde Schurer. Because of the recent activities in Friesland concerning Grutte Pier http://www.gruttepierdefamylje.nl/ind... I decided to make a clip of the song in line with the bardic tradition. In fact also in line of my own family tradition. My Grandfather used to sing at weddings, and sang about big events, together with my mother. She showed me how they did it. They had large drawings of the parts of the song, which they showed during the performances, a 100 year old multi-media show.
The song is about the preservation of the old language, which can only be done by speaking. So mothers and fathers are called to learn their children Frisian, otherwise the language will disappear. Many Frisians were proud to speak Dutch, like the Dutch, Germans, French, Italians, who are proud to speak English. For the same reason they all will lose their own cultural roots someday. Like a lot of other small languages. Grutte Pier was a fighter against the Dutch around 1500. He became a symbol for the Frisian culture and language.
Oh why I write this English? So more people can understand :)


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