Under The Mistletoe!!!!(Part 7)(Sayori Route)(DDLC Blue Skies MOD)

Описание к видео Under The Mistletoe!!!!(Part 7)(Sayori Route)(DDLC Blue Skies MOD)

A psychological, choice-heavy take on the world of DDLC, Doki Doki Blue Skies aims to flesh out each character far beyond their stereotypes - giving them real personalities, a peek into what they're like in school, their hopes and dreams, and so much more.
DDLC Blue Skies Halloween Section Video I Did :))))
Link ----    • Spooky Scary Dokie's!!!!(Halloween Ed...  
Around 2 years ago when i started my channel with DDLC Content my content wasn't that well made till I started DDLC salvation & I’ve been tempted for a while to replay DDLC Blue skies MOD and DDLC Fruits of the Literature club MOD Since I made all them videos on my old PC which I got for £200 and the original videos quality was terrible, windows kept popping up on screen randomly which was a bit annoying and was very VERY laggy 😅

I did leave this to a vote from you guys (or gals) to chose if i did this or not and I wouldn't of do it if there are more votes for no since I respect my viewers 🙃 (It was 95% yes and 5% no)
I Hope You Guys (OR Gals) Enjoyed This Video, I Had Fun Making This Video So Let Me Know What Mod Or Game I Should Play Next???????
I Downloaded This MOD Here -----
#DDLC​ #ddlcmods A psychological, choice-heavy take on the world of DDLC, Doki Doki Blue Skies aims to flesh out each character far beyond their stereotypes - giving them real personalities, a peek into what they're like in school, their hopes and dreams, and so much more.
Around 2 years ago when i started my channel with DDLC Content my content wasn't that well made till I started DDLC salvation & I’ve been tempted for a while to replay DDLC Blue skies MOD and DDLC Fruits of the Literature club MOD Since I made all them videos on my old PC which I got for £200 and the original videos quality was terrible, windows kept popping up on screen randomly which was a bit annoying and was very VERY laggy 😅

I did leave this to a vote from you guys (or gals) to chose if i did this or not and I wouldn't of do it if there are more votes for no since I respect my viewers 🙃 (It was 95% yes and 5% no)
I Hope You Guys (OR Gals) Enjoyed This Video, I Had Fun Making This Video So Let Me Know What Mod Or Game I Should Play Next???????
I Downloaded This MOD Here ----- https://www.blueskiesmod.com/index.html


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