Segah Makam - Turkish Classical Music Makams

Описание к видео Segah Makam - Turkish Classical Music Makams

Segah is a Dastgah, which is a musical mode, in Persian and related systems of music. The name Segah comes from the Persian words "se-gāh," which means "third place". Middle Eastern Sephardic Jews use this maqam heavily in their liturgy, particularly for the prayers during Parashas Bo, Beha'alotecha, and Eqeb, which are the "third" in their respective books. It is also applied on holidays and is linked to the holiday of Purim due to the abundance of pizmonim related to the holiday in this makam.

It is one of the makams in Turkish classical music and contains various components that can be analyzed as genera. According to one source, Makam Segah affects the neurons and is beneficial against obesity due to overheating, insomnia, high pulse rate, heart, liver, and muscle disorders.

It is characterized by a specific sequence of notes, typically based on a diatonic scale, which consists of seven notes. However, variations and tonal choices may differ in different musical traditions. Segah makam often conveys a melancholic and emotional atmosphere and is predominantly used in slow-tempo compositions.


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