Klonoa GMV - Sign of a Hero

Описание к видео Klonoa GMV - Sign of a Hero

This features a bit of a light storytelling element that I'll leave up to interpretation, with artwork done by my friend, ‪@Kibynoa‬. Also used one of her old drawings as the thumbnail, go follow her on Twitter if you want to see more.

A tribute to Namco's underdog mascot. I got into Klonoa at a very weird time in my life, during my years in High School. Despite never growing up with him during my childhood, Experiencing the stories of Door to Phantomile and Lunatea's Veil were enough to make me feel guilty for never batting an eye. As a kid who struggled with depression in his years during Middle School and especially High School, Klonoa was different from the other usual mascots. He didn't get the girl, He didn't win a happy ending, nor was he rewarded for his good deeds and hardships.

Since 2022, this lil' guy has had the biggest turnaround for such an underappreciated video game mascot. I'm willing to say I'm more confident in his future than Pac-Man's as much as that hurts to probably say.


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