Tianhe-1 Tiangong Chinese Space Station 2021/06/26

Описание к видео Tianhe-1 Tiangong Chinese Space Station 2021/06/26

Gen-3 Image Intensifier - not needed, plenty bright for bare eyeballs - guessing Magnitude zero to -1. Was trying to get the Shenzhou -12 transportation capsule trailing behind, not seen. (Delivered the three crew a couple days ago.)

Tiangong = "Heavenly Palace"

1:14 passing over (trying to avoid) Full Moon

1:30 Tianhe passes 4 degrees above Saturn

2:01 Tianhe passes 2 degrees below Jupiter

3:09 Tianhe gone... screwed around with lens aperture and Intensifier Gain on Jupiter.

Lens = Nikon 52mm f1.2

(Waiting to clean the booger center-lower-right next battery change, getting close!)


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