
Описание к видео Plaque

The word "plaque" has multiple meanings in the English language. Let's explore each one and provide examples to illustrate their usage:
1. Plaque (noun) - A small, flat, and typically rectangular or oval-shaped piece of metal, wood, or other material that is used for decorative purposes or as a commemorative or informative marker.
Example 1: On the wall of the historical building, there was a bronze plaque with the names of the founding members engraved on it.
Example 2: The museum displayed a beautiful plaque made of polished marble, honoring the artist who donated a significant collection of paintings.
2. Plaque (noun) - A sticky, colorless film of bacteria and other substances that forms on the teeth and contributes to tooth decay and gum disease.
Example 1: The dentist advised me to brush my teeth thoroughly twice a day to prevent plaque buildup.
Example 2: Regular flossing helps remove plaque from between the teeth, reducing the risk of cavities.
3. Plaque (noun) - A patch or area of abnormal tissue, often characterized by a buildup of cells or substances, occurring in various medical conditions.
Example 1: The doctor discovered a plaque in the patient's arteries, which was causing reduced blood flow to the heart.
Example 2: The dermatologist diagnosed the red, scaly patches on the skin as psoriasis plaques.
4. Plaque (noun) - An ornamental tablet or plate, often inscribed with words of praise or recognition, given as an award or honor.
Example 1: The retiring principal was presented with a plaque by the school board to acknowledge her years of dedicated service.
Example 2: The winner of the singing competition received a gold plaque, symbolizing their achievement in the music industry.
In summary, "plaque" can refer to a decorative or informative marker, a sticky film on teeth, an abnormal tissue patch, or an award. The context in which the word is used will determine its meaning.


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