Building a Multi-LAN Wireless Network with VoIP Using Cisco Packet Tracer || Fyp project

Описание к видео Building a Multi-LAN Wireless Network with VoIP Using Cisco Packet Tracer || Fyp project

In this project you will be using Cisco Packet Tracer to configure a wireless network that includes three LANs; a cellular LAN; a Wireless LAN; and a Wired LAN with a wireless router. The system will be a 4G/5G architecture with VoIP capability and data transfer. Each of the three interconnected networks will be accessed through a Gateway/NAT router with IPv4 static public IP addresses externally and private IPv4 access internally. The access points should be interconnected and each LAN will have its own DHCP server for internal (private) IPv4 addressing. Run a simulation to demonstrate the functionality of your network by sending both voice and data information. The mobile devices have the capability of a smart phone which means that they can communicate with the access point using either voice or data.
Required Application
Go to to download the latest version of Packet Tracer.

• Create a Packet Tracer system with the following characteristics
Cellular System WiFi System Wired w/wireless router
• Two Cell Towers • Three Access Points • Three Computers
• Three Smartphones • Five Laptops • Three VoIP Phones
• Central Office Server • Server • Server
• Gateway Router • Gateway Router • Wireless Router
• • Switch • Three Laptops
• • Two Smarphones • Switch
• • • Gateway Router
• Add security aspects to your network and explain how to emulate a secure network in packet tracer for each of the LANs. Keep in mind that security can be different for each of the types of LANs. When you add security, ensure that you provide a few sentences in your paper describing your approach and how and what type security you added.
• LAN 1 is a cellular configuration. The Gateway router can also be configured to support the NAT. The central office server supports DHCP for the internal LAN. All gateway routers connect via a serial link and use IPv4 public IP addresses which can be set as a static address. The IPv4 public addresses should be;; and,, for LAN1, LAN2, and LAN3, respectively.
• LAN 2 is a wireless configuration. Each device is connected to an access point through a wireless network. This is a basic service set architecture, so there are no ad hoc wireless connections between devices. This networked system can use a single router connection between the access points and the Internet. However, between the access points and the router/gateway, install a switch and a network address translation (NAT) to convert IPv4 private addressing structured network to IPv4 public structured addressing for transfer into the Internet via the router/gateway. The Smartphone devices must support both data and voice. You will need to use smartphone devices for the wireless connectivity because straight VoIP phones in Cisco do not support wireless; only PCs and smartphones. All of the internal network addressing is to be done by DHCP. Incorporate WiFi security into your network.
• LAN 3 is a wired system that has a wireless router. Connect the three VoIP phones in series with the three computers. The three laptops are connected via the wireless router. Segregate the wireless router and the wired system phones/PCs using a switch. The internal IPv4 addresses need to be assigned via DHCP, however, the public IPv4 protocols are static. You will need a vlan.
• Run simulations that show connectivity among all the devices for the transfer of both voice and data. The architecture needs to include at least two servers that demonstrate the client/server exchange process for data.
• Run a simulation that shows the path for a VoIP phone call from a device within each of the networks to a device in each of the other networks. Run simulations that show and data voice connectivity among the LAN 1, LAN 2, and LAN 3 networks .
• Provide a screenshot of your network diagram and explain. Provide screenshots of your simulations in your test section of your paper.
• Provide a description of the connectivity paths for both the data transfer and the VoIP connection.
1. A 13-15 page paper (see rubric) describing your approach and the process you used to create the network. . Include a functional block diagram showing the information flow and screen shots as appropriate. Be sure to include a description of your network and illustrate how your project works and meets all the required criteria. (50 points)
2. Demonstrate the functionality of your project by providing a 10 to 12 minute video presentation. You have to submit the recording showing your simulations running and the result. The video needs to be in .mp4 format. Zoom may be the easiest way to create the video. You could also use YouTube. The video needs to illustrate execution and culminate in a result (30 points).



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