Panel Discussion: Dispute Resolution in the Digital Economy

Описание к видео Panel Discussion: Dispute Resolution in the Digital Economy

This is a highlight video clip of the “Panel Discussion: Dispute Resolution in the Digital Economy”, which was a part of the UNCITRAL Academy Conference during the Singapore Convention Week 2023. The panel explored legal issues on electronic arbitral awards, use of artificial intelligence in arbitration and digital evidence. The panellists shared their insights in terms of the impact of digital technologies and technology-enabled services on dispute resolution and the essential role that UNCITRAL could play by developing new norms. This panel discussion complemented the DRDE “World Tour” which had been held in Tokyo, New York, Guatemala City, Paris, Vienna and Abidjan. A summary of the discussion will be included in the official documents on the implementation of the project on the stocktaking of developments in dispute resolution in the digital economy (DRDE) to be presented to the Commission at its session in 2024.

Moderator: Takashi Takashima, Legal Officer, UNCITRAL

Pietro Ortolani, Full Professor, Radboud University
Maud Piers, Associate Professor, Ghent University ; Vice-President, Belgian Centre of Arbitration and Mediation (CEPANI)
Tejas Karia, Partner and Head of Arbitration, Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co. India

UNCITRAL’s project on the stocktaking of developments in dispute resolution in the digital economy (DRDE) was launched in 2021, conferring on the secretariat the mandate to monitor the changing landscape of dispute resolution in the digital economy by compiling, analysing and sharing relevant information with a view to laying the groundwork for updating existing UNCITRAL texts or developing new ones. The project gives particular attention to the disruptive aspects of digitalization in dispute resolution, in particular those with respect to due process and fairness, but also focuses on the enabling aspects of technology as far as its impact on cost and duration of procedures is concerned.


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