その二十九、国分寺, 四国八十八ヶ所巡り 第二十九番札所

Описание к видео その二十九、国分寺, 四国八十八ヶ所巡り 第二十九番札所


第二十九番札所 国分寺
女性の筆に託して書かれた仮名日記である『土佐日記』は平安中期の歌人、紀貫之(868~945頃) が著したことでしられているが、貫之が国司として4年間滞在した国衙は、この国分寺から北東1㎞ほどの近くで「国分寺共々土佐のまほろば」と呼ばれ、土佐の政治・経済・文化の中心地であった。

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This is the film by Ohenro pilgrim. Ohenro is the pilgrimage visiting 88 temples in Shikoku (island in west Japan.) We hope this film help your pilgrimage and travel in Japan. And hopefully attract who has interests in Japan tourism and pilgrimage.

#29 Kokubun-ji
The Tosa Nikki, a kana diary written in the hands of a woman, is best known for being written by Ki Tsurayuki (c. 868-945), a poet of the mid-Heian period, who stayed there for four years as a provincial governor. Kokuga was located about 1 km northeast of Kokubunji and was called ``Tosa's Mahoroba together with Kokubunji'' and was the political, economic, and cultural center of Tosa. It was around the 13th year of Tenpyo that Emperor Shomu (reigned from 724 to 1949) transcribed and dedicated the ``Konkomyo Saishouo Sutra'' and built 68 Kokubunji temples across the country. In Tosa, Gyoki Bodhisattva founded the temple as a place of prayer to pray for peace in the land, abundant harvests, and happiness for all. He has been highly respected and protected by successive emperors. ●Point to watch Nationally designated cultural property, main hall, garden, haiku monument (with the main hall in the back, cherry blossoms and peonies in spring, hydrangeas in early summer, and clovers in autumn, a soothing approach to the shrine, and the foundation stone that supported the central pillar of the seven-storied pagoda at the time of its construction) , a beautiful garden with cedar moss spreads out. Also, there are monuments with poems of Kyoshi Takahama's fifth daughter, Haruko Takagi, his eldest son, Toshio, and grandson, Teiko Inabata.) Ruins of a residence from the Yayoi period (excavated in 1978) (Discovered through research.)


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