Fallout 3 GOTY V1.7.0.4 / New Vegas Ambient Music Stutter/Crackle Fix - Windows 10/11 (May 2024)

Описание к видео Fallout 3 GOTY V1.7.0.4 / New Vegas Ambient Music Stutter/Crackle Fix - Windows 10/11 (May 2024)

I have a possible resolution to fix ambient music stuttering/crackling in Fallout GOTY (V1.7.0.4) and Fallout New Vegas. No patches needed; cons are a simple repetitive step to get the game working. I hope this helps others because it's restored my ability to play on PC!

My current setup: #lenovo #thinkpad T15g - 64GB RAM, NVidia RTX 2080, #intel i9

#Fallout #Fallout3 #falloutnewvegas #Windows11 #Steam #Gaming #bluetooth_earphone


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