Israel's Special Forces

Описание к видео Israel's Special Forces

Israel has 40 Special Forces units, here are few of them:

__The top 3__

These are the most elite IDF sayeret units. As such they perform the most important missions of the IDF, usually of a strategic nature. Its soldiers undergo longer training regimes than other sayeret units and are also proficient in long range solo navigation (as opposed to other units where long range navigation is done with a minimum of 2 fighters).

Sayeret Matkal -
The IDF principal special operations/commando unit, used mainly to obtain strategic intelligence behind enemy lines, counter-terrorism, and to perform hostage-rescue missions outside of Israel's borders. Operatives from this unit have led, or been an instrumental part of, almost every notable counter-terrorist operation conducted on behalf of Israel from 1957 to the present

Shayetet 13 -
Within the IDF Navy exists an elite unite of commandos known as the Bat Men. The naval commando unit. Also in charge of maritime hostage-rescue missions. Part of the Israeli Navy, its selection and training is considered the most arduous of the entire IDF, due to its maritime role.

Shaldag Unit -
Shaldag is primarily tasked with targeting enemy structures and vehicles for assault by Israeli fighting aircraft. Using their high-energy laser designators, they can mark targets for fighter-bomber launched laser-guided bombs or Hellfire missiles from Israeli AH-64 helicopters. Many times this involves long range patrols to the target sites. Because of this Shaldag is also sometimes used for reconnaissance. They also provide assistance and operate in Counter Terrorism and hostage rescue operations.


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