Kara Walker at Glenstone

Описание к видео Kara Walker at Glenstone

“There’s more darkness than beauty oftentimes. You can hew close to the abyss—but if you go in, you don’t have the art.”—#KaraWalker

Artists Kara Walker and Jason Moran have collaborated on Walker’s sculpture, “The Katastwóf Karavan”, since 2017 when it premiered at the Prospect 4 Triennial in New Orleans. Housing a fully functional steam calliope, the sculpture can be activated by a human player or with a playlist of songs chosen by the artist. In this video, Moran and Walker discuss the "Karavan”, along with Walker’s multifaceted practice, which includes collage, drawing, painting, performance, video, and more.

Walker’s work will be on view at Glenstone through September 10 in Room 1 of the Pavilions, and “The Katastwóf Karavan” will be on view through October 1, 2023.

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