Should I Ignore Him & Make Him Chase Me | MUST WATCH!

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How to get him interested again by ignoring him? Does it really work?

Ignoring someone when you want to spark their interest is one of the most powerful things you can do. In fact, studies have shown that ignoring a person is pretty much the worst thing you can do. Human beings prefer a bad attitude or harsh words to being ignored…

So how can you use this to your advantage when the man you want has stopped giving you attention? Well the first thing to understand is that oftentimes, men are terrified of losing their independence. This means that even if he has a nice time with you, he’s still too afraid of losing his sense of freedom and independence, so he pulls way.

When you begin dating someone, you are already involved in the situation. If he starts to chicken out, you’ll start seeing him pull away, you might notice that he stops replying to your texts, he might tell you that he’s not ready, or you might even be faced with the famous, “It’s not you - it’s me.”
So of course you want to know how to get him interested again.

I can tell you that sometimes you’re going to reach your goal by doing the exact opposite of what feels natural. Instead of doing things to try and get closer to him, you’ll be ignoring him and this is what’s going to grab his attention. If you constantly make the first move to call or text him, if you’re always available to him, and if you’re giving him time and even sex, he’s just going to think, “She’s totally ready to be in a relationship, but I’m not.”

When you ignore him, you show him that he’s made a mistake. By not being available to him, he finally has the chance to miss you and wonder what you’re up to. Update your pictures on social media and little by little, you’ll start to create a shift.

When you’re being ignored, the goal is to recreate the situation you had in the beginning of your relationship. 99% of the time, the guy is the one who makes the first move in the beginning. If you can restore this dynamic, you can build a relationship.

You have to enjoy the process. Prioritize your personal life, your friends, your family, go to the gym, eat healthy, and update your look if you want to! Be confident and give value to your life, and you’ll see that he’ll start gravitating back to your like a moth to a flame.



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My name is Alex Cormont and I've been helping men and women in their love life for more than 10 years. I became the number one relationship expert in France and Europe.

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