Описание к видео BONDO TOWN IN 2021

Bondo Town is the district headquarters of Bondo District located about 50 kms north-west of Kisumu in Nyanza Province. #Bondo #town #bondotown #Siaya #siayabondo #bondosiaya #siayacounty #railabondo #uhurubondo #bondokenya

Bondo was established as a market centre in the early 1920's and attained municipality status in 1995. Bondo forms a town council with a population of 29,165 of whom 7,797 are classified urban (1999 census).

The present population (2008) is estimated to amount to approximately 35,000 persons. Bondo Town Council has five wards: Ajigo, Bar Kowino East, Bar Kowino West, Bondo Town and Nyawita. All of them are part of Bondo Constituency. It covers approximately 80 km2.

The town houses the offices of the District Commissioner, other District departmental heads, Municipal, County Council and offices of a few non-governmental organisations. The town is a major business convergence centre for the lakeshore and the fast growing fishing sector, especially on market days when urban visitation is at its peak.

Bondo is connected to Kisumu via a 70km newly rehabilitated tarmac that extends to the lake fishing villages at Usenge and beyond. The town is connected to Siaya Town (25km) and Misori fishing beach (33km) to the south by tarmac roads. It has a good electricity power supply, fixed and two mobile telephone communication networks. There is an open market in the town, modern bus park almost in completion and a slaughterhouse.

The town has no physical plan but is seat to several government departments, many of which are now reasonably well established. There is a District Hospital, several commercial banks, several hotels, a large National Cereals Board grain warehouse and several shops.

The central part of the town is a moderately spaced but poorly developed urban centre while the outlying areas are largely unplanned plots on which people have constructed rental low and middle income housing estates occupied mainly by tenants. There are no officially established industries apart from a number of informal sector enterprises, commonly referred to as ‘jua kali’, which include motor vehicle garages and fabricators run by individual entrepreneurs and community groups.

Blackcherry TimberYard Bondo - 0793995978

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