SPAGHETTI AL CARTOCCIO | Celebrating 1000+ Subs With a Simple But Special Seafood Spaghetti Recipe!

Описание к видео SPAGHETTI AL CARTOCCIO | Celebrating 1000+ Subs With a Simple But Special Seafood Spaghetti Recipe!

🇬🇧Finally I got to finish this video! 😭 Let’s celebrate 1000 subs with me with this simple yet special spaghetti recipe! SPAGHETTI AL CARTOCCIO literally means spaghetti (that is cooked) in (paper/foil) bag. It’s a really easy recipe that is perfect for special occasions like this one 😁

INGREDIENTS (2 portions):
-Spaghetti | 160 - 200g
-Olive oil | to taste
-Seafood | to taste, feel free to use your fav (I used 500g clams, 100g angler/monkfish, 6 baby octopus & 4 scampi)
-Cherry tomatoes | 10 - 15
-Parsley | to taste
-White wine | 1 cup (optional)
-Coarse salt | 2 - 3tbsp (for the pasta water)
-Salt | to taste (I didn’t use any)
-Dried/fresh chili | to taste (optional)
-Garlic | 2 cloves


🇮🇩Kali ini kita “selametan” channel yuk 🤣 Sambil bikin & makan SPAGHETTI AL CARTOCCIO— atau spaghetti yg dimasak di dalam kantong kertas/aluminium. Bikinnya gampang banget, tapi rasanya spesial! Cocok untuk merayakan hari-hari spesial seperti perayaan 1000 subs ini 😉

BAHAN (2 porsi):
-Spaghetti | 160 - 200g
-Minyak zaitun | secukupnya
-Seafood | secukupnya, boleh pake seafood bebas (aku pake 500g kerang, 100g ikan monkfish, 6 baby octopus & 4 udang scampi)
-Cherry tomato | 10 - 15
-Daun peterseli | secukupnya
-White wine | 1 gelas (tidak wajib)
-Garam kasar | 2 - 3sdm (untuk air rebusan pasta_
-Garam | secukupnya (aku g pake karena udah cukup asin)
-Cabe kering/segar | secukupnya
-Bawang putih | 2 siung


🇮🇹Finalmente celebriamo i 1000 iscritti! Per celebrare, prepariamo insieme SPAGHETTI AL CARTOCCIO che è semplicemente speciale 😉

INGREDIENTI (2 porzioni):
-Spaghetti | 160 - 200g
-Olio di oliva | q.b
-Pesce | q.b, potete usare i vostri preferiti (ho usato 500g vongole, 100g rana pescatrice, 6 moscardini e 4 scampi)
-Pomodorini | 10 - 15
-Prezzemolo | q.b
-Vino bianco | 1 bicchiere
-Sale grosso | 2 - 3 cucchiai (per l’acqua di cottura)
-Sale | q.b (non ho aggiunto sale)
-Peperoncini secchi/freschi | q.b
-Aglio | 2 spicchi


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