#plan #type052d #chinesemilitary #chinesenavy #china #planavy #modernwarships #yj-18 #type052dl #naval #pla #peoplesliberationarmy #chinanavy
China’s Super Destroyers: How They Can Dominate the Seas | China’s Type 052DL Destroyers
China has some of the most powerful and modern naval vessels in the world, and one of them is the Type 052DL Destroyer. This destroyer is based on its predecessor, the Type 052D Destroyer, but has a longer hull and a larger flight deck. It has advanced sensors and weapons that enable it to perform various missions in different domains, such as air defense, anti-ship, anti-submarine, land attack, and electronic warfare. It can also launch various types of missiles, such as the HHQ-9, the YJ-18, and the CY-5. It can also carry a helicopter, such as the Z-20 or the Ka-28. But how does it compare to other destroyers in the world? And what are its roles and missions in the Chinese Navy?
If you want to learn more about China’s Type 052DL Destroyers and how they can dominate the seas, then watch this video until the end. And don’t forget to like, share, subscribe, and comment on our channel. Also hit the bell icon to get notified when we upload new videos. Thank you for watching and see you next time!
00:00 -- Intro
00:50 -- Specifications of the "Type 052D Destroyer"
01:55 -- Sensors and Weapons
06:05 -- Submarine Warfare
07:35 -- Stretched Variant
08:57 -- Ships of Class
09:30 -- Conclusion
10:41 -- Outro
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