Matteo Viel (SISSA) - Dark matter properties with the Intergalactic Medium

Описание к видео Matteo Viel (SISSA) - Dark matter properties with the Intergalactic Medium

In the this lecture of SISSA's free astrophysics and cosmology video course Matteo Viel (Associate professor at SISSA) covers dark matter properties with the intergalacting medium, and the information that can be derived the lyman-alpha forest

New lesson are coming out every Monday and Thursday in the coming weeks, subscribe not to miss them!

Check out the full playlist here:
   • SISSA Free Cosmology Course  

The course, ideated by Paolo Salucci (SISSA) and financially supported by the EU as part of Horizon 2020 Twinnings Grant, is at a University/Master/PhD level, but also aimed teachers or researchers finterested in this marvelous discipline.


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