How to treat fissure in ano through Ayurveda? - Dr. Mini Nair

Описание к видео How to treat fissure in ano through Ayurveda? - Dr. Mini Nair

Fissure in ano is one such condition that people find it quite embarrassing to discuss and so silently they suffer. This is nothing but the tar in the skin or the and rectal opening or the orifice, this can result in excruciating pain and bleeding at the sides of the stool and burg sensation post defecation and itching and in some condition it leaves a skin tag too insert of a foreign object via the anorectal route and in women in pregnancy also anorectal fissures are one of the common features that we come across. In cases of long standing conditions of diarrhoea also it can result of anorectal fissures. In children who withhold the urge of defecation, and later on when they try to passing the hard stools it can result in fissure in ano. This condition is clinically correlated as parikartika in Ayurveda. Here the management is twofold, both the external management and the internal treatment also has to be done, external management, we advise Sitz Bath, with Triphala Kashayam or Panchavalkala kashayam can be done for 2 to 3 times a day and then followed by this the entire area is wiped dry and the application of jatyadi taila or jatyadi ghrita or jatyadi ghrita pack can also be placed to help the wound heal faster and also to bring down the burning sensation and internally we advise to keep a clear bowel movement and this will prevent further aggravation of the condition and will further help the wound to heal faster, to clear that there are various medicines we advise like vanasuranadi leham, karunai lehyam. This helps in softening the stool and help in clear evacuation, thereby helps in healing the wound faster. There are various kashayams that can help in healing the wound faster, there are various kashayams that can help treat fissure in ano. They are drakshadi kashayam, chiruvilwadi kashayam, and a teaspoon of gandharvahastadi irandam overnight in warm milk is found beneficial in treating fissure in ano. Thee me thirds can be incorporated in treating these conditions but prevention is very important because this is a prevention kind of problem. So for prevention we have to look into our lifestyle and diet and then make changes accordingly to clear out our stools because constipation is one of the reasons for fissure in ano. To take care of constipation, we need to take care of our diet, incorporate lots of vegetables and fruits and keep ourselves hydrated by drinking water, it could be tender coconut water or sugarcane juice. Avoid spicy food and spicy non vegetarian food or it could be even spicy vegetarian food. Keep your gut clear and this can help you prevent further aggravation and further fissure in ano too.


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