The Ultimate Green Laser Level Showdown - Which One Really Is The Brightest?

Описание к видео The Ultimate Green Laser Level Showdown - Which One Really Is The Brightest?

I tested the top green laser levels on the market. Only the very top tier offerings from each respective brand. Which green laser level is the brightest? Which green laser level is the most durable? Which green laser level is best for outdoor conditions? I cover all of it in this video. Let me know, which laser do you think is the best?

1:17 Unboxing
11:59 Indoor Testing
15:19 Up Close Details
30:38 Outdoor Testing
42:05 Brightest Laser Overall

Lasers tested in this video -

DeWalt DCLE34033D1

Johnson JLN300-GN3360

Bosch GLL3-330CG

Hilti PM 50MG-22

Huepar S04CG

Kapro 883G

Leica Lino L6G

Milwaukee 3632-21

DeWalt DCLE34031D1

Instagram:   / miillersconstruction  
#bestgreenlaser #lasercomparison #greenlaser #tools #dewaltlaser #hiltilaser #hueparlaser #johnsonlaser #leicalaser #boschlaser #kaprolaser #milwaukeelaser #construction #carpenter #carpentry #tooltest #toolreview #toolcomparison #brightestlaser


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