How far can you spit a pit?

Описание к видео How far can you spit a pit?

Contestants at Israel's Kibbutz Givat Brenner sent olive pits flying in a new fun competition.

For the first time in Israel, contestants had a chance to break the world olive-pit spitting record (21.20 meters, or 96.5 feet).

Israel´s first olive-pit spitting contest, organized in February under the auspices of the International Federation of Pit Spitting, attracted both tourists and Israelis, each of whom got three tries. The clear winner was (drum roll, please) Itzhak Hazan with a 10.9-meter (35.7-foot) spit.

The crowd wasn't too disappointed that the record wasn't broken. "Yes, we´re very proud of Itzik, and we are glad for him. Mazal tov!" exclaimed his admiring spouse.
Visitor Rafi Mann was amazed. "I couldn't do that, you know. But it's very impressive to see this crazy sport here as well. It shows you that you can use the olive even to the last part of it and you can still get fun out of it."

Of course, olives from Israel are not only great for pit-spitting. They are tops in taste, too.

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