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We are greeted by a sunny morning. My husband and I can't believe we are greeting the dawn on the rooftop of a beautiful hotel in Cebu City. Today we have a new tropical island adventure ahead of us.
Cebu City, also known as the "Queen City of the South," is the oldest city and the first capital of the Philippines.
The name "Cebu" comes from the old Cebuano word: sibu, which means "trade".
After a delicious breakfast, we quickly headed to the bus terminal.
On the way, we asked the cab driver what places he would recommend for tourists to visit in Cebu.
We were lucky that the bus to Karmen was leaving just as we pulled up to the terminal.
The trip takes about 2 hours. It's pretty long, but I know it's worth it.
Boria and I are so excited and happy.
There are minivans and motorcycles running from Carmen Plaza to Cebu Safari.
The safari park is so huge that there are small trams driving around inside. It is convenient to travel from one part of the park to another.
A noble parrot is nestled on a tree branch. From afar it can be mistaken for a green leaf. Western crowned pigeons with elegant lace crests and red eyes stroll along the paths.
There are also different species of lories here. These are some of the most colorful species of parrots. And they seem to be the hungriest.
Not far away is an enclosure with kangaroos and wallabies. They're very similar to each other.
The next enclosure is home to emus. These are large flightless birds. Their necks and legs are long, but their wings are tiny. Their feathers are more like wool. Seeing these animals in person is like being in Australia.
Peacocks live in this area planted with mango trees. They live together with antelopes and impalas and apparently get along well with each other.
We saw white tigers for the first time, they look so majestic.
These beautiful parrots, the blue-yellow Ara. They have brightly colored plumage that is impossible to ignore. These birds are intelligent, sociable, and well tame. Many consider them one of the best talking parrots because of their clear voice. I would never have guessed that. Around here, they yell and quack like crazy.
The moment that I have waited many, many years for has finally arrived. I see my favorite animal, the capybara, for the first time. What luck! There's a whole bunch of them here. Adults and babies.
To be honest, we decided to go to this safari park precisely because of these unusual animals.
Capybaras are the largest rodents on earth. These cute mammals live in North and South America. They are close relatives of guinea pigs.
Capybaras are not only cute, but also very gentle and friendly animals. They manage to make friends even with crocodiles and alligators and sometimes use them as water and land transportation.
The crowned crane is as majestic as its name. This bird is native to Africa because it's very heat-loving. It is the national bird of Uganda.
Reticulated giraffes have horns made of hard bone and covered with skin. Males use them as weapons to spar with each other.
Giraffes eat more than 30 kilograms of food per day. However, they drink water only once every 2-3 days when it is available, and may go weeks without drinking at all.
Rothschild's giraffe is one of the tallest giraffes. Their height reaches up to 6 meters.
The most noticeable difference between the two species is their pattern.
We go deeper into the safari and it feels like we are really in the African wilderness.
In the thicket a serval is guarding its prey,
The cheetah, unlike the serval, doesn't have to hide. It's the fastest animal in the world.
Who's that striped dog in the box?
The king of the jungle - a lion looks sad, probably because he has no lioness with him.
It's also home to several species of reptiles.
Crocodiles basking in the sun.
The largest crocodile in the world was Lolong. It was over 6 meters long and weighed over 1 ton. Lolong was caught in Bunawan Creek in the province of Agusan del Sur in the Philippines.
Our last stop is a huge and incredibly beautiful garden. There are many different tropical plants.
This paradise garden is perfectly complemented by park sculptures in the form of animals.
There are many orchids here. But only some of them have flowers. Just imagine how beautiful it will be here when all these orchids are in full bloom.
We end this wonderful journey at the souvenir store. They remind us of this day. There are lots of key chains with different designs, t-shirts and more. I bought a refrigerator magnet and a key chain with a capybara design on it.


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