Kuruluş Osman 52 Bölüm 3 Fragmanı With Urdu Subtitle and English Subtitles.

Описание к видео Kuruluş Osman 52 Bölüm 3 Fragmanı With Urdu Subtitle and English Subtitles.

He, with his coal-black eyes, would kindle the gas and the fire of freedom.

His name was Osman, son of Ertuğrul Gazi.

It was "love" that guided him in the darkness.

In the lands watered with blood and tears, mown like a sky crop; He saw the dream of a nation that would cross seven heavens, seven lands, mountains and seas with love.

He took his strength not from his sword, but from “love”… With justice to bullying; The greatest empire that history has ever seen, resisting slavery with freedom, was named "with love".

The rebellion against the corrupt order that broke 72 nations, hope for the silent cry of the oppressed became the name of the Organization ...

Establishment Osman… The story of a march from a camp of 400 tents to a world empire established with “divine love”.

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