Sleep Token Gay Moments 1: Vessel and iii/Bassy Boi.

Описание к видео Sleep Token Gay Moments 1: Vessel and iii/Bassy Boi.

Disclaimer: these videos are not mine they are from tiktok,youtube,twitter,and discord.
Songs on this video are: sugar,hypnosis,aqua regia,alkaline,and like that. the band has not mention their sexuality so let's not label their preference till they say that themselves. this can be a stage act they do for fun or not. More sleep token gay moments coming soon.
Part 2 being iii and iv and part 3 being vessel and iv.

Photo by Adam Ross.

#sleeptoken #sleeptokengay #sleeptokenmoments #takemebacktoeden #vesselandiii #vesselandbassy #bassyboi #sleeptokenvessel


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