Solo LEGEND Lost Sector Bunker E15 Hunter

Описание к видео Solo LEGEND Lost Sector Bunker E15 Hunter

Solo Legend Lost Sector Flawless Bunker E15 Hunter #destiny2 #season23
Exotic Arms Armor
Hunter DIM Link :

Warlock Loadout:-
Previous Warlock GamePlay:   • Solo LEGEND Lost Sector Bunker E15 Wa...  

Previous Hunter GamePlay:-    • Solo LEGEND Lost Sector Bunker E15 Hu...  
Previous Titan GamePlay: -   • Solo LEGEND Lost Sector Bunker E15 Ti...  

Q- How to Unlock Legend/Master Lost Sector?
A- you need to finish a regular run and open the chest at the end. there is an opening for a basement in front of the flag, go down that path Bunker E15
Q- How to do a Normal Lost Sector?
A- where I shoot go inside that entrance you will discover the lost sector.
Q- Where is the flag?
A- you need to be 1770+ to see that flag.
Q- my Exotic Reward is not showing on the Flag.
A- Do a Solo Normal Run for it to appear. //If u do Solo Legend Exotic will drop even if it's not showing on the flag.

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