청춘 그리고 인연 - 페르소나 시리즈의 역사 [게임히스토리]

Описание к видео 청춘 그리고 인연 - 페르소나 시리즈의 역사 [게임히스토리]

페르소나3 리메이크 기원 1일차

⚙️ 채널 멤버십 : https://han.gl/6InWx
💬 트위치:   / genius_mino  
📧 기타 문의: [email protected]

0:00 INTRO
0:05 Beneath the Mask (Persona 5)
0:13 Interrogation Room (Persona 5)
0:22 Colors Fly High (Persona 5 Royal)
0:45 Dreams of Butterfly (Persona PSP)
1:40 Velvet Room (Persona Revelations)
2:32 Opening (Persona 2 Shin Megami Tensei Innocent Sin)
3:36 Map I (Persona 2 Eternal Punishment)
4:22 Burn My Dread (Persona 3)
5:59 Mass Destruction (Persona 3)
6:24 Brand New Days (Persona 3 FES)
7:19 Signs of Love (Persona 4)
7:58 Pursuing My True Self (Persona 4)
8:55 Reach Out To The Truth First Battle (Persona 4)
10:14 Light The Fire Up In The Night (P4 Side) (Persona Q Shadow of the Labyrinth)
11:10 Life Will Change (Persona 5)
11:24 Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There (Persona 5)
13:21 Last Surprise - Scramble - (Persona 5 Scramble: The Phantom Strikers)
14:09 Kimi no Kioku (Persona 3)

Persona 5 Transition by Nitro Wolfie
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