Puppy Love: Hospitalized Kids Cuddle with Canines on Valentine's Day

Описание к видео Puppy Love: Hospitalized Kids Cuddle with Canines on Valentine's Day

Being in the hospital can be “ruff.” So, dozens of kids at Mattel Children's Hospital UCLA got to celebrate Valentine’s Day with special deliveries from a group of very loveable dogs. Thanks to UCLA's People-Animal Connection, an animal-assisted therapy program, kids got handmade Valentine’s Day cards delivered by canines wearing their best Valentine costumes.

This heartwarming Valentine’s Day event was hosted by the hospital's Chase Child Life Program in an effort to brighten young patients’ days and help them have a memorable celebration. The kids weren’t the only ones who reveled in this puppy love… working dogs like Tovah, Bubbles, Apache, Tommy and Tucker seemed to enjoy the paw-er-ful event as well.

Learn more about UCLA People-Animal Connection at http://uclahealth.org/PAC


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