
Описание к видео #planetrvn

#planetrvn #xray VD hips

#planetrvn #OSCEtips


A short guide to completion for the VD hips xray for a vet nurse OSCE exam.

Imaging can be seen as a stressful OSCE task for student vet nurses. However if you tackle it in easy chunks it's achievable.

Setting up cassette and grid
Collimating beam
Finding landmarks on your patient
Position patient



Cooper, B., Turner, L. and Mullineaux, E. Ed’s. (2011). The BSAVA textbook of veterinary nursing. Cheltenham: British Small Animal Veterinary Association

Mullineaux, E., Jones, M. Ed’s. (2007). BSAVA manual of practical veterinary nursing. England: British Small Animal Veterinary Association

Hotston-Moore, A. Ed. (2000). The Manual of Advanced Veterinary Nursing. Cheltenham:BSAVA British Small Animal Veterinary Association


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