How to Stop Your Cat from Meowing

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Stop Cat from Meowing

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Are there times when it seems like your cat’s meowing all the time? There might be a reason for that! We’ll take a look at why some cats meow constantly and steps you can take to help curb meowing in your cat.

Why are cats meowing?

Just what is a meow? If you have experience with kittens and cats, then you’re quite familiar with “kitty language,” which is meowing. Meowing is common in all cat breeds, though some breeds do like to “talk” more than others.

Cats and kittens use meows to communicate with their humans. You may have heard your cat use several different vocalizations or a combination of vocalizations to get her message across. Meows can be attention-getting, friendly, plaintive, bold, demanding or even complaining. This is how your cat “talks” to you!

Here are some of the most common reasons cats meow:

To say hi: your kitty may be waiting at the door when you come home, or hears you enter and comes running meowing all the way! Your cat’s saying hi and welcome back!
Attention: cats will meow when they’d like your attention, with some cats being quite loud and demanding about their needs and wants met. Your cat may want to be petted, talked to or she just wants to play. This type of meowing is most common in cats who are alone all-day long.
Food: most cats will let you know when they’re hungry—in some cats, that’s an understatement! Your cat may have learned to meow when someone’s in the kitchen, begging for a snack. Or they may meow to let you know they’re ready to eat right now—any time of day.
To go in or out: meowing is also a helpful way your cat communicates that she needs to be let in or out. Many cats will sit by the door meowing when they’re ready to go out, and do the same (from the outside) when they’re ready to come in. Or your cat may even sit outside a window and meow to be let in.
Finding a mate: another common reason cats meow is to find a mate. Actually, when cats are in heat, you may hear something that sounds more like a yowl from your female cat. Yowling is sometimes also known as “caterwauling,” because the sound is quite jarring and loud.

Meowing can be so endearing, but what about a cat meowing non stop?

Cat Meowing Non Stop

Non-stop meowing in a cat can mean many things. We’ll take a look at some of the most common causes for non-stop meowing, and then take a look at ways you can solve this issue in your cat.

1. Cat breed: there are several breeds of cats like to talk more than others. This is true for Siamese, Abyssinians, Burmese, Bengals and others.

2. Stress: cats, just like humans, need to release stress. Have you ever had a friend who talked non-stop when they were stressed? Cats do something very similar when stressed, or they may even begin to bite. Stress can be caused by the addition of a new pet or another cat, changes in the home, new people, etc. Your kitty may be letting you know she’s annoyed, mad or even scared.

3. Cat in heat: as noted earlier, female cats will yowl and meow more when in heat. This alerts male cats in the area that your kitty’s ready to mate. Males can also be noisy and plaintively yowl outside your home—waiting to see your cat who may be in heat.

4. Old age, vision and hearing loss: cats must deal with changes in their bodies as they age, just as we do. An older cat may be confused and anxious, meowing as a result. There’s also a condition known as feline cognitive dysfunction, which is similar to dementia in elderly humans. Cats who have this condition may walk around and meow constantly. Excessive meowing may also be due to a cat whose vision is getting worse or who has become deaf.

Cats who are losing their hearing may meow louder than they used to and may meow non-stop

5. Boredom: cats who are bored and often left alone for long periods may become prone to non-stop meowing. In this case, it might be helpful to adopt a new kitty to keep your cat company while you’re away. A pal to snuggle and play with can help relieve loneliness and boredom. Another option to relieve boredom is to set up a “kitty play zone” in some area of your home. You can include toys, perches, paper bags (without handles), scratching posts and more to keep your kitty entertained. One of the best things you can do is spend time playing with your cat every day, especially if kitty’s been home alone all day.

6. Attention: some cats learn how to gain their human’s attention in ways that may be annoying. Owners often, sometimes unknowingly, encourage and “train” their cats to meow. However, overtime, the cat can begin meowing too much, such as in the late night or early morning hours. Cats use this type of behavior because they get results—in fact, you could say they’ve “trained” you in how to respond to their non-stop meowing.


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