The War That Came Early: The Finale Part 1 | Alternate History of Europe

Описание к видео The War That Came Early: The Finale Part 1 | Alternate History of Europe

The War That Came Early: The Finale Part 1
August 1943, the war continues to rage on without an end in sight. The Americans have made landings in Italy and Spain, and quickly approach the advancing Germans on the other side.
In Germany, Hitler has become isolated. He fears all those around him and continues to be paranoid. Many begin to feel agitated around him similar to Stalin.
00:00 - Nothing to Prove to You (   • Nothing to Prove to You  )
03:18 - Oblivion (   • Jo Blankenburg - Oblivion  )
06:47 - Crosshair's Theme (   • Star Wars: Crosshair Theme x The Bad ...  )
12:11 - Moving Mountains (   • Two Steps From Hell - Moving Mountains  )
15:12 - Xenos (   • Revolt Production Music - Xenos [Epic...  )
18:10 - In Ascendance (   • Revolt Production Music - In Ascendan...  )
22:27 - Shadowlands (   • Shadowlands  )
24:48 - Mortality (   • Really Slow Motion & Giant Apes - Mor...  )
27:43 - Thanks For Watching!
The War That Came Early was a six-part book series created by Harry Turtledove, often considered the "master of alternate history".
In this movie we explore what happens from the first three books, from then on, it's all up to my imagination to decide how it ends.
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#mapping #ahoe #alternatehistory #ww2


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