Get Loud: Let’s Talk About Endometriosis | Alekszandra Rokvity | TEDxMedUniGrazWomen

Описание к видео Get Loud: Let’s Talk About Endometriosis | Alekszandra Rokvity | TEDxMedUniGrazWomen

Did you know that it is estimated that one in ten women suffer from endometriosis? That it takes about eight years for an endometriosis patient to receive a proper diagnosis? That it is one of the 20 most painful diseases in the world? No?

Then you should listen carefully to what Alekszandra Rokvity has to say, who suffers from the disease herself. Also, she studies endometriosis and is a productive activist.

Alekszandra is a Serbian-born writer and endometriosis activist, who decided to turn her pain into passion! Upon her endometriosis diagnosis, which he received after 15 years of medical gaslighting, Alekszandra committed herself to raising awareness about endometriosis: through activism and NGO work, as well as through academic work. She is currently pursuing a Ph.D. at the Karl Franzens University of Graz. Her doctoral dissertation is an interdisciplinary project focusing on the experiences of people with endometriosis within the healthcare system. She specializes in cultural studies and health humanities. Her work explores the connections between gender, age, the stigmatization of menstruation, and how this results in discrimination within the healthcare system. She has previously studied and taught in Serbia, Canada and Vietnam. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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