High Liver Enzymes [ ALT & AST ] – What Do They Mean? Liver Functions Test - Dr Javaid Khan RPh

Описание к видео High Liver Enzymes [ ALT & AST ] – What Do They Mean? Liver Functions Test - Dr Javaid Khan RPh

we will learn if High Liver Enzymes [ ALT & AST ] – What Do They Mean? Liver functions test - Dr Javaid Khan RPh liver enzymes are basically calculated how much liver is damaged , we will learn about non alcoholic fatty liver disease #drjavaidkhan #fattyliver
fatty liver disease test,
non alcoholic fatty liver disease
alcoholic fatty liver disease
Some Main Symptoms of Liver Damage:
• Jaundice
• Tired
1 Ascites – it looks like a beer gut or a pot belly.
2 Itchy Feet
3 Edema
4 Bloating
5 Spider Veins
6 Digestive Issues

Ratios of Enzymes:
IF High AST and High ALT: Viral Hepatitis
IF High AST and Normal ALT: Cirrhosis
IF AST more than double than ALT: Alcoholic Liver

These are Ways to Repair the Liver: Healthy ketogenic diet, Intermittent Fasting , Avoid refined foods, Avoid alcohol, Avoid unnecessary medications , Consume enough vegetables
Pics credit : freepik.com vecteezy.com
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