「折り紙」カタツムリ(snail origami)の折り方

Описание к видео 「折り紙」カタツムリ(snail origami)の折り方

カタツムリ(snail origami)の折り方です。著書「おりがみペットアイランド」に掲載した作品です。横から見るデザインになっています。比較的難易度は低いと思います。動画使用折り紙は15cm×15cmです。

How to fold a snail (snail origami). This work was published in the book "Origami Pet Island". It is designed to be viewed from the side. I think the difficulty level is relatively low. The origami used for movies is 15 cm x 15 cm.
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※It is prohibited to divert and publish this channel folding method without permission.


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