Team building objectives and goals (6 goals with examples)

Описание к видео Team building objectives and goals (6 goals with examples)

In today’s video, we’ll be covering some of the main team building objectives we hear from clients and a few activities to help you meet them.

00:00 Intro
00:30 Team Building for Strengthening Employee Relations
01:07 Team Building for Developing Skill Sets
01:58 Team Building for Reducing Your Bottom Line
02:58 Team Building for Defining Company Culture
03:32 Team Building for Inspiring Employee Loyalty
04:20 Team Building for Improving Communication Skills

1. Team Building for Strengthening Employee Relations

Your employees are complex people with their own thoughts, feelings and opinions — and their productivity at work is likely to be directly impacted by their relationships in the office!

If your team members aren’t feeling bonded, they’re more likely to be disengaged, take time off from work or even transition to new roles.

Help your employees build strong, long-lasting relationships with one of these five options:
Plan a team lunch,
Host a murder mystery gathering,
Bring your team for a round of laser tag,
Get involved with volunteering,
Or, schedule regular team coffee breaks.

2. Team Building for Developing Skill Sets

Ensuring your employees feel comfortable in their roles is beneficial for everyone. It helps to improve work quality, minimize stress and can even boost overall job satisfaction.

Start by getting specific about what skills you'd like to develop. Perhaps you’ve noticed that your employees have trouble resolving disputes? Or maybe some employees get nervous when speaking to large groups?

Fortunately, these shortcomings (and many others) can be easily improved with team building.

Try one of the following skill-building activities:
Improve public speaking with an office debate,
Work on listening skills by playing Blind Retriever,
Build leadership with the Perfect Square game,
Get creative with an Egg Drop experiment,
Or focus on problem-solving with a Paper Chain activity‍!

3. Team Building for Reducing Your Bottom Line

Organizing a team building event can be a ton of fun — until you have to consider the cost .

Catering, transport, the venue, facilitators,… none of it comes for free, and it can feel difficult to justify the spending. However, the benefits of having a motivated team greatly outweigh the costs.

In fact, according to data released by TeamStage, having a fully-engaged workforce can deliver twice the revenue! When your team understands each other, they are more communicative, productive, and efficient. From an HR perspective, stronger interpersonal connections can work wonders for talent acquisition and employee retention.

Get your team feeling engaged with one of these activities:
Organize a blind drawing class,
Get out of the office on a field day,
Get active with a game of water balloon dodgeball,
Work on some bonding with a game of Corporate Castaways,
Or work together to beat the clock in an escape room! ‍

4. Team Building for Defining Company Culture

Company culture gives your business a persona that’s felt by both employees and customers — it permeates every fibre of what you do and how you do it.

But creating and maintaining a unique company culture isn’t always easy. Luckily, team building is a perfect opportunity to send a clear message about the type of company you want to be.

Consider planning:
An ongoing tournament,
Community service initiatives,
A “Healthy Together” Challenge,
Scheduled coffee breaks
Or an after-work running club to help set the groundwork!

5. Team Building for Inspiring Employee Loyalty

When we receive gifts, we feel inclined to give something in return and companies have realized that rewarding employees drastically improves motivation, performance and engagement.

But don’t worry if your budget doesn’t stretch to include an all-expenses-paid trip to the Maldives — you can achieve similar results with a simple team-bonding retreat!

Team-bonding retreats are all about relaxing, bonding and playing fun games. They’re designed to reward employees for their contributions to the company.

Here are a few retreat activities that mix just-for-fun games with skill-building structure:
Plan an employee beach day,
Organize a treetop adventure,
Facilitate a watergun fight,
Host a bubble football tournament,
Or book your team in for a group surf lesson!‍

6. Team Building for Improving Communication Skills

Effective communication is a cornerstone of successful businesses. If you can get your team to communicate effectively, you can build trust and respect, enabling employees to feel comfortable sharing ideas and openly discussing problems in a safe space.

To maintain effective communication channels, you can host regular team building events like the following:
Facilitate an office debate,
Host a show and tell,
Organize a blind drawing exercise,
Challenge employees to a birthday line up,
Or organize a 3-question mingle!

By now you should have a clear idea of your team building objectives.


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