simonk ESC calibration

Описание к видео simonk ESC calibration

simonk ESC calibration #viral

your queries:-
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testing of bldc
bldc testing
bldc motor testing
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testing of bldc motor
As their name implies
brushless DC motors do not use brushes
With brushed motors
the brushes deliver current through the commutator into the coils on the rotor
So how does a brushless motor pass current to the rotor coils? It doesn't-because the coils are not located on the rotor
the rotor is a permanent magnet
the coils do not rotate
but are instead fixed in place on the stator. Because the coils do not move
there is no need for brushes and a commutator
With the brushed motor
rotation is achieved by controlling the magnetic fields generated by the coils on the rotor
while the magnetic field generated by the stationary magnets remains fixed
To change the rotation speed, you change the voltage for the coils
With a BLDC motor, it is the permanent magnet that rotates
rotation is achieved by changing the direction of the magnetic fields generated by the surrounding stationary coils
A BLDC motor with three coils on the stator will have six electrical wires (two to each coil) extending from these coils
In most implementations three of these wires will be connected internally, with the three remaining wires extending from the motor body (in contrast to the two wires extending from the brushed motor described earlier) Wiring in the BLDC motor case is more complicated than simply connecting the power cell's positive and negative terminals we will look more closely at how these motors work in the second session of this series. Below, we conclude by looking at the advantages of by BLDC motors
One big advantage is efficiency, as these motors can control continuously at maximum rotational force (torque)
Brushed motors, in contrast, reach maximum torque at only certain points in the rotation For a brushed motor to deliver the same torque as a brushless model, it would need to use larger magnets
This is why even small BLDC motors can deliver considerable power
We've seen that BLDC motors offer high efficiency and controllability, and that they have a long operating life
So what are they good for? Because of their efficiency and longevity, they are widely used in devices that run continuously
They have long been used in washing machines, air conditioners, and other consumer electronics
and more recently, they are appearing in fans, where their high efficiency has contributed to a significant reduction in power consumption
They are also being used to drive vacuum machines. In one case, a change in the control program resulted in a large jump in rotational speed-an example of the superlative controllability offered by these motors
BLDC motors are also being used to spin hard disc drives, where their durability keeps the drives operating dependably over the long term, while their power efficiency contributes to energy reduction in an area where this is becoming increasingly


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