Overview of Bangladesh Companies Act, 1994

Описание к видео Overview of Bangladesh Companies Act, 1994

The Companies Act 1994 has 11 parts. Part-I contains the preliminary aspects of the act including the short title of the act, commencement and extent, definitions of various terms. Part- II is concerned with formulation and incorporation of companies, including bank companies, and memorandum of association for various types of companies, articles of association, general provision for registration of memorandum and articles of association, associations not for profit, and companies limited by guarantee. Part-III mainly narrates the rules for share capital, registration of unlimited company as limited, and the limited liability of directors. This part states the rules and procedures for distribution of share capital of companies and the provisions for reduction of share capital. Part-IV states the framework for regulating the management and administration of companies, the requirements for having a registered office of a company with a distinct name at a specific place, the provisions for penalties for non-disclosure of name, and the way to show the authorized, subscribed and paid up capital of companies. It contains the procedures and rules for holding meetings of companies, provisions and procedures for appointment of company directors, their responsibilities, rights and obligations, powers, tenure, loans to and from a company, and their relationship with the managers, and managing agents of a company.


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