Big Walling in Yosemite (Slow and Heavy): Freerider in 7 days

Описание к видео Big Walling in Yosemite (Slow and Heavy): Freerider in 7 days

I met Michelle 24 hrs before we set off to climb El Cap together. Not a bad start to a climbing partnership when your first pitch together is on the Big Stone! It was her first time aid climbing or up an El Cap route, so we went big and heavy and brought enough food and water for 5-6 days of climbing. This gave us all the time in the world to have a relaxed, chill ascent where we weren't pressed for time or running out of the essentials. I brought the wall skills, she brought her expert free climbing strength and up we went.

We ate dolmas, chicken sausages, chocolate and fancy cheeses, slept 9hr every night, setup camp in the golden hours of the sunsets and never had to climb in the dark (even though it was late in the season with waning hours of daylight). A treat of a week spent on a beautiful piece of granite.

Notes on the ascent: we initially were going to go up the Salathe but pivoted to Freerider. I'd climbed Freeblast many times already and sent Michelle up with my friend Shira and met her up at Heart Ledge, which is why you don't see the first pitches documented.


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