Kurohyou 2 Communications Mode - C H A M P S

Описание к видео Kurohyou 2 Communications Mode - C H A M P S

Some more Kurohyou 2 stuff - notes below for anyone interested in random text.

Did some more work with custom music in general, looking to figure out how to rebuild SGDs with multiple sounds in them (i.e. battle voices, battle sound effects) however SGXDataBuilder takes forever with WAV files and Kurohyou does not like AC3 files, so... idk what to do rn tbh.

Other than that I've been struggling to record content since I'm running low on ideas but I mean, surely I'll figure out something in time.

Oh and one more thing, I have only ever used the Japanese release of Kurohyou 2 with the custom music and swapped sounds because the English patch would hang on load for whatever reason. Well, I tried it yesterday afternoon again, hoping it would work, and some how it just randomly worked. So, now I've got the English patch with custom music so I can better understand some stuff (aside from the MP lmao, the buggy clusterfuck that it is in the English patch).

Anyways that's pretty much it, drop suggestions in the comments if you want to and ill see if I can work on them.

poob out


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