新手爸爸高爾宣OSN竟然不想女兒聽他的歌?人生首個自創歌曲又是甚麼?細數高爾宣OSN的 5個音樂時刻! | My Fab 5 | VOGUE Hong Kong

Описание к видео 新手爸爸高爾宣OSN竟然不想女兒聽他的歌?人生首個自創歌曲又是甚麼?細數高爾宣OSN的 5個音樂時刻! | My Fab 5 | VOGUE Hong Kong

台灣創作歌手 @osn-osn 高爾宣OSN登上 《VOGUE》Hong Kong 最新短片系列「My Fab 5」!高爾宣以獨特的音樂風格和富有思想性的創作,憑藉單曲《Without You》、《Why You Gonna Lie》等單曲在短短幾年內便成為樂壇矚目的音樂人。從出道至今,他的音樂之路彷彿是在述說著內心的點點滴滴,讓聽眾得以探索他對生活、愛情和自我的深刻感悟。恰逢來港舉辦演唱會之際,高爾宣向我們分享他的 5 個音樂時刻,在鏡頭下他娓娓道來追夢初心,細數那份至今仍撼動人心的純粹熱忱······

Taiwanese singer-songwriter OSN was featured in the latest "My Fab 5" video series by Vogue Hong Kong. With his unique musical style and thoughtful creations, OSN has quickly risen to prominence in the music scene, thanks to hit singles like "Without You" and "Why You Gonna Lie." From the start of his career to the present, OSN's musical journey seems to be a narration of the intimate moments and profound insights he has gained about life, love, and the self. On the occasion of his recent concert in Hong Kong, OSN shared 5 musical moments in his journey, recounting on camera his enduring passion and unwavering spirit that continue to inspire him even today.

Videographer: Asia Chow
Video Editor: Joe Yu
Executive Producer: Michelle Wong
Producer: Hillary Huang
Coordination: Mama Yiu, Christine Chan
Makeup Artist: CarmenC
Hair Stylists: LupusChui @ Orient4, Victoria Wong @ Orient4
Gaffer: Felix Leung
Venue: WM Hotel Hong Kong

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