One Life to Live 3/7/1991

Описание к видео One Life to Live 3/7/1991

Megan wakes up to find the bed empty, but Jake soon returns, dripping wet, having gone for a morning swim. He tries to convince her to go for an ice cold plunge with him. Julia asks Max if he’s heard from Gabrielle, but Max says he has no idea who posted bail or where she could be. Gabrielle wakes up on Carlo’s couch. Carlo is already awake and sipping his morning tea. He promises that after she fell asleep in her clothes, he called a maid to undress her. She is eager to leave, but there are still reporters outside. Carlo says he’ll get hotel management to remove them and he gives her a key for a car parked nearby, for once the coast is clear. Max’s assistant manager tells him Carlo Hesser is complaining about reporters being outside his door. Max says security isn’t supposed to allow any press in, and he promises to take care of it. Asa interrupts Troy and Sheila’s breakfast to ask why Carlo Hesser isn’t behind bars. Troy patiently explains how bail works. Jake suggests he and Megan get married for real this time; with no mannequins this time. Megan thinks he’s joking, but Jake gets down on one knee and proposes properly. Max forcibly removes a reporter from the hallway outside Carlo’s room and threatens to call the police if he comes back. Max then knocks on Carlo’s door before unlocking it to find, much to his surprise, Gabrielle in a bathrobe. She begs Max to let her explain and drags him inside the suite. She claims she came to the hotel to see him and was swarmed by reporters until Carlo offered to and spirited her away to his spare room. He asks why she didn’t call and she says she called all over town looking for him. Max doesn’t buy a word of her story, and he quickly leaves..

Sheila returns to work, angry at Troy for asking her out to breakfast and then talking about police business. Brenda is sympathetic and Sheila admits she overreacted. Sheila tries calling Troy to apologize, but he isn’t at his office. Troy stops by the hospital to offer his own apology. Lucky meets Jake and Megan at Jake’s office to congratulate the newly engaged couple. He has a jeweler meet them there so they can pick out an engagement ring to make things official. Unfortunately Jake didn’t quite realize how much the ring would cost. Julia asks Gabrielle if it’s true she spent the night in Carlo’s room. Gabrielle says yes, but she swears Carlo isn’t interested in her in that way. Julia tells her Max went to the jail to pay her bail last night, but she had already left. This news lifts Gabrielle’s mood. Max tells Asa and Andy he’s going to sue for full custody of Al. Lucky distracts Megan while Jake tries to work out a payment plan with the jeweler. He promises her the cash by the morning, saying he has a big client coming in in the morning, and reminding her how much money he saved her employer on a fraud case. After she agrees, Jake has Megan walk her to the elevator. While they are gone, Lucky tells Jake the client he’s expecting in the morning called because he hired another investigator.


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