Post Scriptum Fallschirmjäger Weathering the Storm - 4K [GER Comms/ENG Subs]

Описание к видео Post Scriptum Fallschirmjäger Weathering the Storm - 4K [GER Comms/ENG Subs]

I've had extreme performance issues since the last updates and finally solved the problem. The updates set the FPS lock to 60 and less fps somehow my gpu couldn't handle it at all. There was a kind of micro stuttering all the time. I've been looking like crazy for a solution the whole time and I thought the game was patched broken but after I turned the fps lock back off it runs even better than before so who ever has the same problem and has reasonably strong hardware and has a monitor capable of more than 100Hz can have a look whether the FPS lock had reset itself. Unfortunately, I didn't discover it until after this recording, so it's not surprising if there are some micro lags in the video xD


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