Che cosa vuol dire "vero" su instagram ? | Camihawke Camihawke | TEDxRimini

Описание к видео Che cosa vuol dire "vero" su instagram ? | Camihawke Camihawke | TEDxRimini

La percezione e la verità delle immagini e notizie che provengono dai social network. Da una storia personale si parte per fare chiarezza su cosa sia reale e cosa no in un mondo che coinvolge tutto e tutti Camihawke, born Camilla Boniardi, more and more a phenomenon on the web: beautiful, certainly, but above all fun and very nice ... in short, the friend we would all like.
His character on the web is light-hearted and has an overwhelming humor, alternates unlikely newsreader experiments to very personal readings of everyday life, desecrating horoscope reviews for all occasions. Camilla is able to tell her reality and that of social media in an ironic, pungent and sarcastic way.

From July 2017 to July 2018 he conducts the "Girl Solving" radio program on Radio2 with AliceLikeAudrey.
It is among the protagonists of "Pink Different", the all-female program aired on FoxLife at the end of 2017. Starting from 16 September 2019, Camihawke will join Carlo Cracco in the new Rai 2 cooking program "Nella mia cucina", on air from Monday to Friday at 19:35. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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