A Ramble Through Time People and Places - Tom Cullen, Ballinabarney, Gorey, Co. Wexford.

Описание к видео A Ramble Through Time People and Places - Tom Cullen, Ballinabarney, Gorey, Co. Wexford.

This recording is from a larger collection which was recorded and produced by Wexford artist/folklorist Michael Fortune in November 2018 with om Cullen, Ballinabarney Gorey, Co. Wexford entitled “A Ramble Through Time... Vol. 2 - Folklore and Memories of Country Life from Co. Wexford”. This collection has been catalogued for ease of viewing and for research purposes.

Chapters, Topics and Times - Compiled by Michael Fortune, December 2018

1. The Gap Name, the Giant’s Den and a Raheen (0min 00sec - 4min 12sec)
2. Site of Old RIC Barracks at The Gap (4min 12sec - 6min 45sec)
3. The Tromán Bridge, Local placename (6min 45sec - 7min 40sec)
4. Monalee or Caulfield’s Bridge and Birthplace of the Blacksmith Micky ‘The Cock’ Kinsella (7min 40sec - 8min 45sec)
5. Site of ‘The Cock’s Forge’, Rathpierce (8min 45sec - 11min 59sec)
6. Story behind the ‘O’Nedy Evicted the Rebel 1887’ Stone (11min 59sec - 15min 19sec)
7. Home of John Kinsella: Evicted and killed during the Coolgreany/Croghan Evictions in 1887 (15min 19sec - 22min 24sec)
8. Site of the D’Arcy Family Home: Evicted in 1887 (22min 24sec - 25min 33sec)
9. White Heaps: Information on the location (25min 33sec - 31min 19sec)
10. Kinsella/Uí Chinsealaigh Inauguration Stone, The Burrow Bog, Loggan (31min 19sec - 39min 11sec)
11. Kilcashel Graveyard, Loggan (39min 11sec - 42min 18sec)
12. Site of Ancient Mound, Loggan (42min 18sec - 46min 23sec)
13. The Cummer Thunder Stone and Names on Local Hills (46min 23sec - 51min 33sec)
14. Observations on Nature, Sayings, Riddles and Superstitions (51min 33sec - 58min 11sec)


This recording is part of a larger collection of folklore which Michael recorded and produced around Kilanerin, Ballyfad, Croghan and Coolgreany between September and December 2018. The project was produced with the support of the Old Kilnenor Historical Society and the Arts Department of Wexford County Council under their Creative Communities Scheme.

Film Copyright: Michael Fortune, 2018. All Rights Reserved.


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