Limerence, New Love, and Healing Developmental Trauma with Clinical EFT

Описание к видео Limerence, New Love, and Healing Developmental Trauma with Clinical EFT

When meeting someone new who we find attractive, how can we know if we really like them and can trust our feelings for them are legit, or if it's just limerence?

If we aren't careful to allow ourselves some time to see the person for who they really are, because we become so enamored with the person due to how they look and by our fantasy that we create in our mind around their potential, neglecting or ignoring any red flags, it could be due to childhood developmental trauma and a lack of a secure attachment with our parents.

Somatic methods such as clinical Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) can help heal your childhood wounds, allowing you to feel more secure within yourself and in your connections with others.

If you are ready to heal yourself and start having healthier relationships, please contact me and schedule your free, 20-minute consultation today. My email address is:
[email protected]

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