Blitzkrieg Rolling Thunder - The Race through France - The Falaise Pocket

Описание к видео Blitzkrieg Rolling Thunder - The Race through France - The Falaise Pocket

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After Patton’s break through near Avranches and the occupation of Brittany, the tide seemed to turn in clear favor of the Allies.
The German troops had had the Allies hemmed in at their bridgehead for eight weeks and then suddenly the Germans themselves were in danger of being surrounded. Patton outflanked the German troops and advanced towards Falaise via Le Mans and Argentan.
There was only one more really dangerous situation in Normandy. The German generals still didn’t know who was commanding this new army, which had breached the front, but they understood how dangerous it was. The German High Command concentrated 6 tank divisions at Mortain and on August 6 1944 a massive counter-attack was launched. The aim of this counter-attack was to conquer Avranches and to advance to the sea and thus cut Patton’s 3rd Army off from its supply lines.
Despite heavy losses and using allied air supremacy, the U.S. Army managed to stop the Germans and repel their attack. From now on it was the Allies who were dictating the “law of action”. The German panzers went from being the hunters to the hunted.
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It was clear to everyone by August 15 that the German forces in Normandy were caught in a trap. The encirclement started near Falaise where Patton was moving closer from the south and English, Canadian, French and Polish troops were to the north.

The following mission takes you into the last phase of the Battle of Falaise. German tank divisions are fiercely storming the positions of English and Canadian troops. A total of 19 German divisions have the task of keeping the “Falaise Pocket” open for their forces to escape from. The tanks of Patton’s 3rd Army are already outflanking enemy positions and will soon emerge behind the enemy to encircle them. It will still be a fierce fight till then though.

The enemy has strong tank divisions. You do have however clear air supremacy and should make use of your dominance in the skies to repel enemy attacks.
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