Texting Etiquette for New Relationships (Make Her WANT You)

Описание к видео Texting Etiquette for New Relationships (Make Her WANT You)

When it comes to texting in the dating world, timing and communication style are crucial. Forget the outdated 2- or 3-day rule; if things went well, text her the next day to show interest. The timing depends on your relationship stage, and after a great first date, a prompt text expressing enjoyment is fine, followed by a wait of a couple of days to make specific plans. If unsure of her interest, wait 2-3 days to see if she texts first. Develop a rapport by avoiding generic greetings and using interesting conversation starters like “What’s your favorite sandwich?” Encourage her to open up about herself by focusing on her interests. When making plans, be specific to avoid miscommunication; suggest a definite time and place instead of vague commitments. Limit pre-date texting to avoid unrealistic expectations and overthinking, but send a few flirty texts to show continued interest.

Good grammar is important to make a good impression, so avoid excessive chatspeak and ensure clarity in your messages. Follow her texting tempo without overthinking response times, and reply promptly to avoid appearing rude. Be careful with teasing and flirting; use emojis and chatspeak to clarify tone but avoid pet names and risky jokes early on. Recognize when the conversation is stalling and end it gracefully, using this experience to improve future interactions. If she doesn’t respond, follow up casually without being persistent or confrontational. Lastly, consider her schedule when texting and mix in occasional phone calls to build a stronger connection and avoid misunderstandings.


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