KitshouseP4A Free Bear Hugs - Vancouver Folk Music Festival 2014

Описание к видео KitshouseP4A Free Bear Hugs - Vancouver Folk Music Festival 2014

Jason Hong made this wonderful vid of the KitshouseP4A volunteer team getting many many hugs at the Vancouver Folk Music Festival
it seemed i fail whaled. found out for the first time in 7 years the Project For Awesome! changed the dates & is over. can't believe i missed that.

but i'm telling myself it's all good cause the KITSHOUSE p4a teddy bear is till christmas, at least three kids get these teddy bears with amazing vids/pics/love to let them know how much they are loved, and i got to have my friend record the uke background and she's so excited by that.Plus everyone who hugged the bear at the folkfest and at the other events got such a thrill from being able to share their desire to make the world just a little better. i guess this is how the universe wanted it to play out.

if you can spread the word and have people leave luffs in the comments of this youtube vid for the kids and any bear hug pics on our fb   / kitshousep4a  

here is the kitshousep4a teddy bear project    • Teddy bear project - Kits House 2014  
and the tag http://kitshouseprojectforawesome.wor...

most of the pics are on our flicker (over 500) or our fb

and we will be doing it again in 2015 so we'd love for you to get involved. IT DOESN'T MATTER WHERE YOU LIVE! international awesome ftw

i worked so hard on the Kitshouse Project for Awesome teddy bear project it and it's been such a hard fall for me. i'm so tired and now am so disappointed to have made this mistake. sadness.

oh well. maybe the interwebs will make it turn out ok after all. please share. your awesome is the only thing that will overcome my brain fail

thanks for your help
marcia; volunteer coordinating the kitshousep4a


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