More Than Love--Sky's violin 假如爱有天意

Описание к видео More Than Love--Sky's violin 假如爱有天意

一个无师自通的小提琴手 Sky:舞蹈家、国际美发师、小提琴演奏家。多年来以博爱之心做人做事,以爱心融入琴声,让优美的旋律融入听众的心房,带人们畅游无际的时空,共同分享无边的快乐.

/A masterless violinist Sky: dancer, international hairdresser, violinist. For many years, I have been doing things with fraternity, integrating the sound of the piano with love, letting the beautiful melody merge into the audience's atrium, taking people to travel in the infinite space and time, and sharing the boundless happiness together. Self-proclaimed violinist. I hope to get everyone's support, I would like to have a performance-level violin. If you want support me for better violin please donate as below:


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