STS-107 - The Columbia Accident

Описание к видео STS-107 - The Columbia Accident

Please read this description:

STS-107 - This video starts about 12 minutes before the de-orbit burn and runs through until just after the "Close the Doors" instruction by Leroy Cain. The film is made up of MCC video broacast on the day (audio is in right channel), Flight Directors Loop (in the left channel), the recovered film taken onboard Columbia (audio is in the left channel along with the FD Loop), simulator footage of the de-orbit burn and some of the re-entry, photos from the flight that were either recovered or transmitted to the ground during the mission, some photos taken of Columbia during the flight by long range ground cameras and footage of the destruction taken by amateur video operators and an Apache helicopter crew (footage taken from Chris Valentines excellent video timeline of the events).

I have tried to synch the video and audio from the three NASA sources and would guesstimate that I have gotten it as close as possible to real time, which, I felt, was very important for this video.

I would highly recommend listening to the audio with headphones or on well spaced apart speakers.

The video is dedicated to the crew of STS-107.

Thanks for reading this description - LM5

All photos/video/audio courtesy NASA unless stated otherwise.


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