Chimneys, Moors & Me - O'Hooley & Tidow (Live at Halifax Minster)

Описание к видео Chimneys, Moors & Me - O'Hooley & Tidow (Live at Halifax Minster)

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Music & Words by O'Hooley & Tidow - all rights reserved (HUM 2021)
Filmed and recorded live at Halifax Minster on 17th August 2021 by Tom Stanier.

Folk duo O’Hooley and Tidow have captured the pride of the Pennines in a specially-commissioned song for the launch of a new park.

Belinda O’Hooley and wife Heidi Tidow who are probably most well known for creating the Gentleman Jack theme tune have thrown their support behind the launch of the newly formed South Pennines Park.
An alternative National Park covering 460 square miles of Yorkshire, Lancashire and Greater Manchester — was launched on 8 September.
In their new role as ambassadors of the park, the duo have written a beautiful song called Chimneys, Moors and Me; the lyrics of which, capture the beauty of the landscape, juxtaposed with the industrial heritage and imposing buildings.

The pair recorded a special message while recording their music video at Halifax Minster near to their home in Huddersfield.
Belinda said: “We have found the work incredibly inspiring. The song is all about the absolute love we have for where we live and the pride that’s in the communities in the South Pennines. It’s written with love and it’s not just about a place, it’s about the people. The song is going around our heads 24 hours a day.”
Belinda said the South Pennines Park area is often overlooked because of being “too industrial.” “The area has big mills and imposing structures nestled in the most beautiful moorland, and miles of canals. It’s a history lesson on our doorstep. It’s the juxtaposition that makes it unique.
“The South Pennines Park is like an underdog. There’s so much spirit and energy and positivity. We feel a real sense of creativity and love for the place.”

Speaking about the benefits of having such a variety of amenities on your doorstep, Belinda said: “Nature is so important for your mental health and wellbeing – and it became even more beneficial during lockdown. It made us take a closer look at what’s on our doorstep.”
Belinda and Heidi, who have been hand-picked as park ambassadors, say they hope the song makes people think of their happy place – the place they call home.
Belinda added: “We have put a lot of personal experiences into the song and we hope it brings people home. We hope it brings those feelings of love, and heart, and the pulse of where you’re from.
“We have a duty, as ambassadors of South Pennines Park, to visit more places on the map.”


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