OAA Webinar: Building the Business Case to Build Sustainably

Описание к видео OAA Webinar: Building the Business Case to Build Sustainably

The costs of climate change have become tragically obvious over the last few years to the point where we can't afford not to take action. Construction budgets, however, have been stressed by rising inflation, interest rates, labour shortages, and supply chain issues. Leaving many clients and architects wanting to do better by the climate but feeling risk-averse. This is a false choice, there are win-win strategies that deliver on cost savings and climate change solutions. But it all starts with a bit of math in a Life Cycle Cost Assessment (LCCA). LCCAs are becoming more prevalent among clients and the Federal Government requires an LCCA for every project. The impact of an LCCA on our designs, and on our planet, are too important to leave solely to accountants.

In this session, led by Peter Duckworth-Pilkington and Jeff Mosher, LEED AP BD+C, EDAC, CPHD, learn how an LCCA can be an important tool to support sustainable design moves that are the right thing to do but also affordable. In this webinar, participants will be walked through the basics of an LCCA both how to evaluate one prepared by others and the basis for preparing your own. The presenters will show how an LCCA was leveraged to support green design measures on an Ontario Hospital project and how a design optimised through an LCCA has delivered +$1M savings year over year for another Ontario Hospital.


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